Taizhong gay bars
姐夫の店(Brother-in-law shop)

姐夫の店(Brother-in-law shop)

30s 40s 50s All genres karaoke Female visiting English Chinese

【 Store Introduction - from Gay Life Daily】Gay bar near Taichung train station. This bar is unique as it emphasis their appetizers more than anything. You might expect small dishes, but these appetizers will surely make you satisfied from the sheer volume and variety. You might think that there is no way that these appetizers free, but it is and you are able to have seconds for free as well. The food here is made by the owner, so prepare for some amazing food. There are also many staff members that will swing by to your table, so you can have fun even if you’re alone.

Opening Hours

Mon 21:00 - Next 4:00

Tue 21:00 - Next 4:00

Wed 21:00 - Next 4:00

Thu 21:00 - Next 4:00

Fri 20:00 - Next 6:00

Sat 20:00 - Next 6:00

Sun 20:00 - Next 6:00

Hol 20:00 - Next 6:00

Business Day : 21:00-4:00(Fri~Sun 20:00-6:00)
Day Off :



Minimum consumption fee 300 yuan (appetizer included)


30s 40s 50s
All genres
Not available
Barrier free
Not available
Female visiting
Female visiting
Credit cards
Not available
Available Languages
English Chinese


3 Based on 1 reviews
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1 stars
たくや – Japanese - Visited at Nov 2019

For the time being, it is a shop with a lot of local feeling. Even with this, appetizers will come out. Is this really in the charge? Is scary. The table is filled with snacks. Everyone seemed to enjoy karaoke, and although they couldn't speak Chinese or English, the staff came to the table to serve us. I want to come again

Posted at Sun, 17 May 2020 Updated dat Thu, 18 Jun 2020

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